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Last Edit: 29.01.2025 - 20:39

Spigot Overview Page


This is a step-by-step guide on how to set up the plugin:


  1. Setup:
    • Add your custom codes in the config.yml, specifying the name, redemption limits, cooldowns, and commands for each code.
    • Configure the messages in the config.yml to match your server’s style.
  2. Player Interaction:
    • Players redeem codes using the /redeem <code> command. (Example /redeem Hamster)
    • The plugin checks if the code is valid, tracks its usage, and runs the specified commands for the player.


Or a small tutorial written by Hamster itself:

  1. Go to the spigot page and click at the top right download.
  2. Open your minecraft server host, upload the plugin in the plugins folder.
  3. Reboot your server to load the plugin.
  4. Go into the plugin folder, search CloudRedeem and go inside the config.yml
  5. Start changing things like code uses, messages and commands.
  6. Save the config file and reload the plugin

If you want unlimited uses, either use some high number (1000000), or if you are using V2.0+ you can use “-1


Every permission with its description:

CloudRedeem.redeem –  Allow players to use the /redeem command
CloudRedeem.gui – This will open up the redeeming GUI
CloudRedeem.ban – This will give you the permission to ban people from redeeming codes
CloudRedeem.timeout – This will give you the permission to timeout people from redeeming codes
CloudRedeem.admin – Admin GUI for CloudRedeem
CloudRedeem.create – Allows you to create new codes
CloudRedeem.history – Access to view your redemption history
CloudRedeem.reload – Reload the plugin

All update logs

Cloud Redeem 2.0 Update

These things are in Cloud Redeem 2.0:

  • New GUI Menu. Now you’ll have the option to redeem codes via a GUI menu (Click redeem, and a sign will pop up to type the code). This also includes redeeming history.
  • /redeem history. Now you can read your redeem history, and what you got from redeeming the code.
  • Unlimited Redemption Limit. In version 1.0, you could not set the redemption limit to unlimited without using something such as 1000000. In version 2.0 this has been changed, you can now input -1 to set to unlimited.
  • /redeem ban. Now you can ban players from redeeming codes, this is mainly useful for people who set up scripts to automatically redeem codes from a discord channel.
  • Customizable Chat Messages. In version 2.0, you can now set up custom chat messages when a code is redeemed.
  • /redeem timeout. Now you can time out players from redeeming codes for x amount of time.
  • Full code rework. Version 1.0 has some good code, but there is lots of room for improvements in general. The entire code base has been updated to not only support more versions, but also work at a faster speed than normal. (Players/Server owners will not notice the speed difference, as it’s milliseconds difference)
  • /Redeem create <code>. This allows you to create a code in game, and edit everything from the rewards, redemption limit, and so forth.
  • /Redeem admin. This opens up an admin GUI to edit/customize/delete any code you have made on the server, allowing for easier code modifications.

Cloud Redeem 1.0 Update

This is the first release, what do you want to see here? You might want to look at the V2.0 or newer!
Just a quick note from Hamster hihi

Notice from Hamster

This text was written with love and is intended to serve as a help.
The advertising rewards me for the effort I put into this post.
If something helped you, I would be happy to hear from you via Discord or other ways.