A - G

If you would like to apply, you can do so in our team at any time! But please open a ticket in the Discord so that we can also accept your application.

When applying, an active playing time is recommended so that we can check whether you even want to do something with us.. There are enough people who only want to damage the servers, and we don't want that! Understandable, right?

| /rules - View the rules page
| /auctionhouse - Opens auction house menu
| /tags - Opens & view your available tags
| /warp - Opens warps list
| /shop - Opens shop to buy and sell items
| /jobs - Opens jobs to join and leave jobs
| /sethome - Teleports you to your home
| /dailyrewards - Claims your available rewards
| /chestshop - View the chest shop help page
| /bank - Opens bank to deposit or withdrew your money
| /sit - I am chilling!
| /ranks - Opens & view your current ranks tier
| /vote - View the vote links

The bank is a point where you can store money and get an interest every few hours

Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to play with the Bedrock Edition on our server. However, we plan to make this possible again in the future.


That's good! But please report the bug in our discord or by mail. Otherwise, there is nothing we can do about it.

| Earn money by getting yourself employed with /jobs join <job> or by completing the server /quests.
| You can also gather materials of any type and sell them in the /shop
| Check your balance whenever with /balance and view global balances with /baltop command.
| You can share the wealth with /pay <player> [amount] command.
| Don't forget that you also can use Auctionhouse to sell materials /ah sell [amount]!

Do you want some events?

Oh sure, we all love them!

But all i can say is, that it will take some time for us to make a fun event for you. If you want to take part in an event, just go in the menu (/menu) and look for the spawn egg in the middle of the menu. Or you can also type /event in the chat. This will of course only work when we host an event.

The next event takes place from 23.09.2023 until 30.09.2023 (ends automatically) 

Graves normally stay on the server for 3 days or until they get looted from the player. If you exceed the limit of 24 graves, your items will then drop on the ground, and you can not create any new grave.

H - S

You can earn keys either through events, sweepstakes, rewards, or playtime. You can get every key for free, so buying keys is only optional and is exclusively for the players who either want to support us or don't feel like grinding anything for keys. Optionally, keys can also be obtained from other boxes.

To claim a land, simply type "/claim" 

If you want to customize it, feel free to try out every "/lands" command (or use the GUI that you open with "/lands")

| Levels are a way for players to unlock perks and rewards for free by meeting set requirements for each level.

Please make sure you have selected the correct IP and version!

Our server is version 1.21.1+ and you can access it at any time with the IP "play.hamstergames.eu".

Our support will reply as soon as possible! Please note that depending on the question, the processing time may take longer.

So be patient

If you can't reach the server, we ask that you check the status page! Maybe it's just your internet connection or your client, of course it can also happen that the server is offline! If this happens, and it is not known, you should report the whole thing directly in our discord.

The Scoreboard money can be different depending on your game mode!

T - Z

If you ever wanted to have some nice keys, then you sadly have to wait just a little longer. You can already buy some keys on the cosmetic shop, but not all! That is a process that comes with the years to have some challenge for the players to get new things in the later game.

If you have found a way to play Minecraft with your VR glasses, we have nothing against it!